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- Your August 21 Weekly Horoscope Kicks Off Some Much-Needed Seasonal Shifts
Your August 21 Weekly Horoscope Kicks Off Some Much-Needed Seasonal Shifts

Have you been consciously avoiding change? Whether it’s for the sake of staying in your comfort zone or the fear that could come with venturing into the unknown, your Aug. 21 weekly horoscope is bringing clarity, direction, and grounding, as it’s shifting our collective focus to practicalities and anything that needs to be levelled up.
Sunday may start with a dash of mental fog and general confusion, but the sun’s shift into methodical Virgo on Aug. 22 will clear the air. Governed by Mercury – the planet of communication and thought processes – it’s no wonder Virgo comes after Leo in the astrological calendar: if Leo season is about unapologetically tapping into your creative talents and unique self-expression, Virgo season presents you with the opportunity to ground and cultivate your abilities for the greater good. Virgo energy has everything to do with our daily commitments and devotions; it’s the communication and synergy that occurs between the mind, body, and soul. What are you currently working on? There’s always room for improvement, and that’s precisely what this Mercury-ruled season is all about.
Related: Uranus Retrograde Wants You to Surprise Yourself
Then on Aug. 24, revolutionary Uranus – the planet of chaos, innovation, and unexpected change – will begin its annual retrograde journey through Taurus, where it will remain until Jan. 22, 2023. However, instead of stressing the retrograde effects, this transit is here to help us make sense of the unexpected changes and shifts we’ve been experiencing as of late. So, if things have felt more chaotic than usual, rest assured: Uranus retrograde will help you reflect on and internalise these changes so you can rise above the mayhem.
Related: Can You Blame the State of Your Love Life on Your Zodiac Sign? We Investigate
There will be a productive new moon in Virgo happening on Aug. 27, but with Mercury (the new moon’s ruler) entering Libra on Aug. 25, these Virgoan themes (i.e. habits, routines, tedious processes) will have a Venusian component in the sense that there are new beginnings available specifically when it comes to formal agreements and relationship dynamics.
If you’re wondering what this week has in store for you, read on for your weekly horoscope for Aug. 21 through 27, according to your zodiac sign and your rising sign. For a look at your whole year, check out your 2022 horoscope as well.
Aries (March 21-April 19) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 21, 2022
It’s time to cross your t’s and dot your i’s, Aries. The week of Aug. 21 begins on a hazy note, especially when considering Mercury’s tricky opposition to Neptune. But don’t fret: the sun’s shift into Virgo the following day will bring energy and vitality to your sixth house of daily rituals, which, in the grand scheme of things, is ideal for cultivation, grounding, and materializing the abundance you both desire and deserve. That same day, Mercury will harmonize with powerhouse Pluto, sharpening your eye and inspiring you with drive, which allows you to go after your dreams without fear or hesitation.
On Aug. 24, rebellious Uranus will begin its annual retrograde journey through Taurus and your stability-seeking second house of comfort, finances, and value systems. This will, in turn, present you with an opportunity to reassess some of the abrupt changes that have recently taken place, specifically when it comes to your security and unique sources of income. Then, with Mercury making its debut in Libra on Aug. 25, one-on-one conversations and contractual agreements will start to hit their stride as you’re being reminded of the value in compromise. Last but certainly not least, a new moon in Virgo will touch down on your responsible sixth house of devotions and duties while squaring your celestial ruler, Mars. Practice discipline, and don’t let miscellaneous thoughts distract from your routines. Reprogram your mind, and watch your health thrive along with it.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 21, 2022
Step in your truth, even if that means doing it one day at a time, Taurus. After all, with the sun making its debut in fellow earth sign Virgo and your fifth house of love, passion, and self-expression on Aug. 22, the cosmos is urging you to shift your energy and focus on personal matters such as your creative branding, love language, and individual modus operandi. The same goes for those of you who have kids going back to school; this is all about getting organized. Keep in mind, that rebellious Uranus will begin to retrograde in your sign on Aug. 24, which will likely trigger an interesting ripple effect. More importantly, this will help you find the logic in the chaos, especially those of you who have been experiencing abrupt changes as of late.
That same day, your celestial ruler, Venus, will harmonize with the wounded healer, Chiron, which is equally as healing as it is hypersensitive. If you’ve been struggling with something internally or perhaps recovering from the trauma you experienced in early childhood, this celestial synergy is here to help you rise above past pain. Speaking of healing, Mercury will enter Libra on Aug. 25, bringing clarity, momentum, and compromise to your sixth house of daily routines. How can you bring more harmony to this area of your life? Is there a routine you’re working on with a significant other? Negotiations and contractual agreements thrive under this justice-seeking transit.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 21, 2022
You’re being called to go inward and sort out your priorities, Gemini. The week of Aug. 21 will begin on an ambiguous note, as your celestial ruler, Mercury, will directly oppose elusive Neptune and potentially trigger feelings of confusion or restlessness. However, given that the sun will debut in Virgo the following day, chances are there’s something else being illuminated with regard to home, emotions, and family dynamics. If work themes have been challenging, remember, this, too, shall pass. Besides, your celestial ruler, Mercury, will be meeting with transformative Pluto, bringing some revelatory insights in the process. This is important to consider for those of you in an important partnership or perhaps sharing resources with a significant other.
On Aug. 24, freedom-loving Uranus will begin its annual backspin in your 12th house of closure, dreams, inhibitions, and unconscious patterns, which can be both liberating and enlightening. Themes surrounding forgiveness, escapism, and subconscious blockages are likely to come up in the next couple of months, but it’s all part of your journey to self-discovery. Maybe you’ve been attaching yourself to a particular lifestyle that’s no longer resonating or perhaps holding onto resentment from the past. You’re releasing something – and setting yourself free. On Aug. 25, your celestial ruler, Mercury, will enter Libra and your fifth house of love, passion, and self-expression, which means good things for romantic and creative pursuits. Even better, the productive new moon in Virgo the following day presents you with a clean slate – but it’s up to you to take the lead.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 21, 2022
Stay grounded, and try to not overthink certain situations, Cancer. Granted, with Mercury opposing Neptune on Aug. 21, clearing your mind is easier said than done, as you’re more prone to second-guessing things or simply going down a rabbit hole of thought. However, given that the sun will be entering Virgo the next day, themes surrounding your immediate environment as well as acts of service within your local community will be of greater prominence. Lean on your peers, neighbours, and close friends for support. Mercury will also make a transformative trine to powerhouse Pluto in your seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others, which means you may revisit an important conversation or perhaps gain revelatory insight into someone close to you, such as a business partner or family relative.
On Aug. 24, freedom-loving Uranus will begin its retrograde journey through Taurus and your 11th house of community affairs and individual freedom, which, in turn, presents you with an opportunity to make sense of the chaos and uncertainty you’ve experienced as of late, namely in your social spheres and with regards to friendship. Mercury will enter Libra the following day, bringing focus and conversation to family matters as well as your sense of security. However, fast-forward to the new moon in Virgo on Aug. 27, as it will present you with a clean slate and a new beginning. Its square to Mars, however, could trigger feelings of conflict, especially for those of you looking to retreat and introspect during this time. You may or may not be ready to speak on a particular topic, so take your time when it comes to making decisions.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 21, 2022
You’re building a new foundation, and you’re doing it all by yourself, Leo. The week of Aug. 21 will begin on a confusing note, as Mercury will sit in direct opposition to hazy Neptune in your intimate eighth house of shared resources. This is while Mercury brings clarity to your second house of comfort, finances, and value systems. The question is, how can you find balance right now? Just in time for Virgo season on Aug. 22, when the sun (your celestial ruler) enters this mutable earth sign, themes surrounding your sense of stability will be coming up for review. How can you multitask when it comes to pulling in income? Mercury will simultaneously link up with Pluto, highlighting both the shadow side of your routine as well as what needs to be transformed at this time. Intense revelations about a significant other are also likely.
Then on Aug.24, freedom-loving Uranus will station retrograde in Taurus, which will bring grounding to the chaos you’ve been experiencing in the workplace or around your personal sense of authority. Maybe you’re unsure about a professional path and whether it’s the right fit for you. Uranus retrograde is here to help you cultivate the harvest of your latest breakthroughs. The stars can do no wrong, especially since Mercury will be entering harmony-seeking Libra and your third house of communication the following day. Contractual agreements and negotiations are more likely to run smoothly under this transit, which takes us to the most important event this week: the new moon in Virgo, happening on Aug. 27. You’re being called to prioritize your needs and comforts while attempting to silence the noise of your peers.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 21, 2022
Don’t allow yourself to become easily swayed by a significant other, especially if something isn’t sitting well with you, Virgo. While transiting through your sign, savvy Mercury will be making a direct opposition to Neptune in your seventh house of compromise and significant others, creating a tug-of-war between your practical mind and the unknown. This could also have something to do with a lack of boundaries, but the sun’s shift into your sign on Aug. 22 brings a change in momentum, as it will energize and revitalize you. On that note, cheers to another blessed and prosperous journey around the sun. To top it off, your celestial ruler, Mercury, will link up with transformative Pluto that same day. This could bring powerful revelations to your romantic world.
On Aug. 24, freedom-loving Uranus will begin its retrograde journey through Taurus and your expansive ninth house of wisdom. If you’ve been contemplating a new venture or a particular belief system, Uranus retrograde is here to help you make sense of it. After all, it’s more than likely there have been some abrupt changes happening in this area of your life, so consider this a well-deserved break to get your ideas and long-term goals organized. On Aug. 25, your celestial ruler, Mercury, will enter Libra and your stability-seeking second house of values, bringing intellectual focus to financial matters and contractual agreements. Speaking of, this week’s new moon in your sign will present an opportunity to create a new foundation and perhaps meet someone halfway through the process.
Libra (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 21, 2022
Take a load off, and get some shut-eye, Libra. The week of Aug. 21 will kick off with Mercury sitting in direct opposition to elusive Neptune, which could trigger feelings of confusion and mental exhaustion, so make sure you’re being gentle with yourself. This, of course, goes hand in hand with the sun’s shift into Virgo the next day, as it will ignite your 12th house of closure and dreams. It’s time to retreat and call back your energy. Maybe you’re healing, while others of you decide to take a mini getaway to recharge your energy. Whatever the case may be, don’t be ashamed to turn inward and focus on yourself.
On Aug. 24, Uranus will station retrograde via your intimate eighth house of sex and joint collaborations, which means many of you will begin to understand the reasoning behind some unexpected shifts you’ve experienced as of late, namely when it pertains to the foundation you share with a significant other. Keep in mind, that your celestial ruler, Venus, will harmonize with the wounded healer, Chiron, that same day, shedding light on past relationship wounds. Even still, it’s a gentle reminder that you’re supported no matter what. Mercury will be entering your sign on Aug. 25, and there’s nothing this Mercury transit loves more than peace and compromise so do what you do best, and spread the love. There will be a new moon on Aug. 27 lighting up your 12th house of rest and retreat, urging you to stay grounded and not spread yourself too thin.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 21, 2022
Don’t be discouraged by the unknown, because all you’re doing is filling in the blank, Scorpio. This is especially true when considering Mercury’s opposition to Neptune on Aug. 21, as it will shake up your fifth house of self-expression and 11th house of community affairs. Try to steer away from toxic environments and thought processes. Things are not necessarily as they seem. Besides, with the sun making its official debut in Virgo the following day, you’ll be greeted with inspiration and lots of buzz in your social network. Raincheck? You’ll be tempted, being a water sign, but showing up could serve to be more beneficial than you realise. Also, with Mercury sitting in harmony with your modern ruler, Pluto, there could be some revelatory insight or an unexpected meeting with someone important.
Speaking of the unexpected, rebellious Uranus will begin its retrograde journey through Taurus and your seventh house of relationships on Aug. 24. Remember, retrograde energies bring us inward, and Uranus retrograde is here to help you make sense of all the wild change. Do keep in mind, that with Mercury entering Libra on Aug. 25, you’ll likely feel the need to retreat and keep to yourself, while others of you partake in an unexpected clandestine affair. The new moon in Virgo, on the other hand, is providing you with a clean slate and new foundation in society – and with regards to your individual freedom. At odds with your traditional ruler, Mars, you could find yourself feeling torn between this new journey and a prior commitment, but it’s all a matter of keeping an open mind.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 21, 2022
You know what you need to do, so what’s stopping you, Sagittarius? Don’t be discouraged during the week of Aug. 21, as it begins on a confusing note; Mercury makes a direct opposition to elusive Neptune, creating friction between the logistics of your living situation vs. the uncertainty of a particular career path. On a brighter note, the sun’s shift into Virgo will bring energy and enthusiasm to professional themes as well as to your sense of direction and strategy in this area of your life. What can you improve? Is there something you’re currently aspiring towards? Mercury will simultaneously harmonize with cathartic Pluto, bringing intensity and momentum to matters surrounding your sense of security. Uranus will also station retrograde on Aug. 24 and may start revising your daily duties, especially those of you experiencing uncertainty in this area of your life.
Meanwhile, Mercury (celestial ruler of your relationship sector) will enter justice-seeking Libra and your 11th house of associations, community affairs, and future visions on Aug. 25, which is ideal for social gatherings and sweet soirees with your best pals. More importantly, there is a series of opportunities being presented to you when it comes to business collaborations, so keep your eyes peeled. Next, there will be a new moon in Virgo on Aug. 27, bringing new beginnings to your professional life as well as to your overall sense of authority. Keep in mind, that the new moon will simultaneously clash with Mars in your relationship sector, suggesting that there could be some relationship friction on the side getting in the way of your path. Focus on your end goal.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 21, 2022
If things feel like they’re in complete suspension, it won’t last for long, Capricorn. This could be stemming from Mercury’s opposition to Neptune, as it could create friction between your belief systems and preplanned logistics vs. some ambiguous messaging happening in your immediate environment. The next day, on Aug. 22, the sun will enter Virgo and your expansive ninth house of adventure, which presents you with an opportunity to plan ahead and sort out your priorities. And it doesn’t end there. Savvy Mercury will link up with Pluto in your sign that same day, suggesting the possibility of you gaining some insight around the next steps.
Then, with freedom-loving Uranus stationing retrograde in Taurus via your fifth house of love and self-expression on Aug. 24, the next couple of months could bring a series of developments around your passion projects or romantic interests. There’s something ingenious in the chaos, so never say never. And with Mercury entering Libra the next day, chances are you’ll be incorporating some of these ideas into your professional pursuits. You’re charming, poised, and eloquent; harness this energy wisely. The new moon in Virgo on Aug. 27 will present you with a clean slate and productive new beginning, but its square to Mars could simultaneously trigger a bit of restlessness or confusion. Tread lightly, and get organised.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 21, 2022
Focusing on yourself is easier said than done, especially when you’re going out of your way to nurturing a connection, Aquarius. Having said that, the week of Aug. 21 will kick off with a tricky opposition between Mercury and Neptune, which could trigger feelings of confusion and uncertainty. Should you or shouldn’t you remain devoted to a significant other? This could be personally and/or professionally speaking, but with the sun entering Virgo the following day, chances are you’ll gain some clarity. Mercury will also harmonize with Pluto, adding a bit of intensity and perhaps even ruthlessness to your communication style. Your celestial ruler, Uranus, is stationing retrograde on Aug. 24, which means it’s time to take a step back and reassess some of the changes and shifts you’ve experienced as of late.
On a brighter note, Mercury (celestial ruler of your romantic fifth house of love, passion, pleasure, and self-expression) will enter your air-sign sister Libra on Aug. 25, and this will bring clarity and movement to your ninth house of expansion and unknown territory. Have you been in contact with someone who’s at a distance from you? Whether it’s a new blog post you’re writing or a sweet deal you’re making overseas, this week’s new moon in Virgo is here to support you. Now, in addition to this new beginning or partnership, the new moon will simultaneously square off with Mars, so be mindful of petty ego trips and power plays, as it could take you off course.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 21, 2022
If you feel disregarded by a significant other, don’t hesitate to speak up and set the record straight, Pisces. Mercury’s opposition to Neptune in your sign could trigger miscommunications or general feelings of uncertainty around a significant partnership. Stay grounded, but speak your truth. Besides, with the sun entering Virgo the next day, you have the energy, courage, and celestial support to tend to your relationship and commitment. Mercury will also harmonize with powerhouse Pluto in your 11th house of community affairs that same day, granting you the green light to get the answers you’ve been seeking – though some might be easier to process than others.
Speaking of, with rebellious Uranus stationing retrograde in Taurus on Aug. 24, many of you could gain enlightenment on a particular situation, while others of you decide to find a way to ground and cultivate your next breakthrough idea. Then with Mercury entering Libra on Aug. 25, conversations and exchanges could suddenly take a turn, becoming more cryptic. Don’t be discouraged by the intensity, though, as you’re more likely to get the answers you’ve been seeking. Otherwise, feel free to use this in a romantic context, as your voice is equally as truth-seeking as it is seductive at this time. Last but not least, there will be a new moon in Virgo, bringing new beginnings to your relationship sector, all the while squaring Mars via your fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundations. Things may not make sense right away, and that’s OK. Focus on one thing at a time, and prioritise what makes practical sense.