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- Opinion: “Why Music Festivals Will Never Be My Thing”
Opinion: “Why Music Festivals Will Never Be My Thing”

Although I may look in my element in the photo above, music festivals are truly not my thing. And with all the Coachella content dominating our newsfeeds right now, I’ve been reminded of just how out of place I always feel at them.
I’ve always wanted music festivals to be my thing. Any time a group of my friends posts photos at a festival, they look like they are having the time of their lives.
But, while I love music, a good sweaty boogie and a bev or three, I’ve never been able to relax into festival culture.
It’s true that I often feel like an outsider looking into this thing that everyone loves, but I know that there are other people that feel the same as me, and I’m here to tell you that it’s okay. Especially while Coachella is bombing our feeds — with some seriously iconic celeb looks this year, let’s be honest — it’s important to remind ourselves that how we feel about something doesn’t have to be the same as anyone else.
So, for those who also don’t vibe with music festivals and want help identifying why, or for anyone simply curious about this opinion, I’ve reflected on all the reasons that music festivals personally aren’t for me.
I’m Severely Claustrophobic
Like, seriously. I’m not good in crowded elevators or on public transport, and I don’t even like sitting in a middle seat on a plane. Being squished in big groups of people, with no visible way out, literally gives me raging anxiety, so being in a dancing crowd at a music festival is unfortunately something I can’t just let go and enjoy. Trust me, I’ve tried. Even a few bevs in, I can’t seem to relax when I can’t see my way out of a crowd.
I Don’t Look Hot in a Leotard
I mean, it’s just true. Not that you need to look hot in a leotard to go to a music festival, but I just don’t think that festival fashion suits me and feeling confident in what you wear is just a must (for me) when in public. I might be superstitious, but I think that because I really don’t feel like myself in a leotard, fishnets and a beaded headpiece, it’s a sign that festivals are just not my thing.
I Really Need My Sleep
Music festivals are often known as days-long events, and honestly, I can’t hack it. I’ve always found that I start to get grumpy and stop having fun mid-way through the second day because I haven’t had a good sleep and I don’t want to push my body to keep going. Some people are amazing at just powering through, but not me. I need a quiet room, a soft bed and a warm cup of tea. Maybe I’m just an introvert?
I Have Anxiety
There’s just something about the environment of a festival that doesn’t agree with my anxiety. I know that everyone’s experience with anxiety is different, but for me, loud music and lots of chaos, noise and opportunity for accidents just sends my anxiety through the roof. Rather than feeling fun and free, I feel stressed and on-edge, which isn’t fun for me or those around me.
I Can’t Connect with the Music
I’m a huge music lover and I also really love to dance. But given my anxieties and claustrophobia, I’m never able to relax and enjoy the music for what it is at a festival. There are so many people around, that I find myself distracted and stressed, or simply choosing not to go and see an act I like, in order to avoid the crowds. For me, going to an intimate gig is my favourite way to consume music and connect with artists I love.