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- 3 Simple Styling Tips That Seriously Upped My Fashion Game
3 Simple Styling Tips That Seriously Upped My Fashion Game

I’ve always loved experimenting with fashion. I had two sets of braces — once in school and once at uni — so, to combat feeling self-conscious about them and to help me feel more confident, I would put a lot of effort into what I wore. I’d pore through old copies of Vogue and tabloid mags with celebs with great street style, and would spend hours wandering through shops or scrolling through them online.
Now, at 34, I can say I’ve learnt a thing or two about fashion. While my style has, of course, evolved, and I now opt for quality over quantity, and black, white and grey over loud colours and prints, there are some other, lesser-known fashion lessons I’ve picked up over the last two decades that I can credit to really upping my fashion game.
So, I thought I’d share them here. But before I do, two disclaimers: 1) fashion is such a personal thing — there’s no right way or wrong way to do it as long as you feel good in whatever you’re wearing. These are just three (of many) tips that worked for me. And 2) we come in all shapes and sizes so I’m totally aware a couple of these tips might not be relevant for some. That said, here they are.
Try Going One Size Up
A friend once told me this styling trick, and it’s stuck with me ever since: when it comes to buying plain T-shirts, get one size up. If you’re a size small, buy medium. Medium? Buy large. Basically, baggy can often translate to chic. I’m a size small, but have a plain white tee from Glassons in medium that I love tucking into straight-leg jeans or over a skirt or shorts.
This trick also works for blazers, jumpers, basically most types of tops, as long as a) they’re not already oversized and b) that you don’t specifically want your top to be tight. If either is the case, of course, go with your exact size.
Hang Tops on a Nice Hanger
Another tip from the same friend (yes, I’m keeping them around) that’s stuck with me is to hang all your tops on a wooden or another type of nice type of hanger. Even plain T-shirts you get from Kmart, Cotton On or Glassons (the two places I stock up on white tees). Ever since I started doing this, I’ve not only treated the top better, but I’ve also — and I get that this might sound weird — felt better about wearing it. I feel… fancier.
You know when you go into a designer boutique and there are only a select few pieces on the racks, all on wooden hangers, and you’re so careful when you’re handling them? Well, you can easily replicate all that at home by clearing out your closest, donating everything you haven’t worn in years, and hanging on nice hangers everything you do wear again and again.
Consider a Monochrome Outfit
Anytime I’m stuck on what to wear, I go for a monochrome outfit, as in head-to-toe in one colour. It can either be a matching set made of the same material or two separate pieces — as long as it’s all in the same colour, you’re almost guaranteed to look polished.
My favourite monochrome look is all-white. Yes it sounds daunting and yes I’ve spilled coffee on myself wearing this on many occasions, but still, every time I really want to make sure I feel good walking out the door, I wear it.