Why Hybrid Products Like Serum Creams Are the Latest Trend in Skincare

hybrid skincare products
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Skincare is an important part of many peoples’ self-care routines and in the past 18 months, that’s been truer than ever. As we all bunkered down in our homes and said goodbye (for now) to holidays and nice dinners out, many of us embraced that one little luxury with gusto.

For most, taking the time (however brief) to slather our faces with lush creams and serums is the only moment we take for ourselves in the day. But with the rise of the all-important self-care skin routines have also come complicated, multi-step regimens that can be great. . . until they’re not. Personally, I’ve had enough.

My own routine got a bit out of hand during 2020 and while I’ve always been skincare aware thanks to my long-time problematic skin, it went to a new level when the pandemic hit. But as I added steps to my routine in the hopes of it making me feel cared for and, well, nice, it actually resulted in my skin being angry at me for using a bunch of brand new products that weren’t designed to go together in the seamless way I’d hoped. Cue disappointment about the single-most joyful part of my day.

So, after a stern word from my dermatologist, I pared it way back, opting for multi-purpose products that did more than one thing at once, thus saving me time without forcing me to compromise on results. And that, my friends, is why hybrid skincare products like serum creams are having such a moment right now.

Why Are We Loving Hybrid Skincare Products?

According to Joanne Norton, L’Oreal Consumer Insights Director, “84 per cent of female beauty consumers want beauty products that make their skincare routine easier and 70 per cent of Australian females also want skincare products that have multiple benefits.” Essentially, we all want to use products that do more for us but require a lot less time and effort on our end.

Enter: the new Garnier Green Labs Serum Cream range. Unlike other skincare products, these are designed to be three–products-in-one that give you the benefits of a 24-hour moisturiser, the efficacy of a serum, and SPF in one hit. Norton explains that the goal of these serum creams was to create products that combine the best of nature and science. “They have dermatological actives like vitamin C combined with superfoods like pineapple; hyaluronic acid with watermelon; and niacinamide with Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil,” she says.

For me personally, hybrid products are a part of my daily skincare staples because, firstly, I’m incredibly forgetful, so cutting down on steps will always be a good thing for me. Second, I prefer to use products that are formulated to go together — instead of me winging it and mixing all my random products together. With multi-purpose products, I know I’m getting the best of both worlds without risking my products flaring up my skin concerns or pilling when I layer my products.

If you’re looking to simplify your routine and still get results, why not explore the entire Garnier Green Labs range on its website to figure out which product is right for your skin.

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